Friday, 17 February 2012

Fiction Adaptation- research

I have been doing some research for my fiction adaptation unit. I thought that if I did some research into the writer of my chosen poem i could find out if there is anything i can include to make it more personal to the poet.

The writer of The Listeners is Walter de la Mare, born in Kent on 25th April 1873 and died on 22nd June 1956. People have said he had two distinct aspects to his imagination, the childlike and the boylike. Walter de la Mare wrote a significant amount of ghost stories, with around 40 of his 100 published books being written around this genre of supernatural content. He also wrote some subtle psyhcological  horror stories, "Seatons Aunt" and "Out of the Deep" 2 of the main books he received praise for.

Finding out that Walter de la Mare was a very keen horror story writer has made me think that I can have the opportunity to make a film which is even more scarier then what i had originally planned. I want read through some of the books and poems he wrote to see if i can get anymore inspiration for my filming.

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