So yesterday and today I have been doing some work experience for ITV. It was for a pilot for a the shopping network JML. I had so much fun and learnt so much from my 2 days there. Over the 2 days i did running jobs such as setting up and taking down the props on set, preparing props to go onto set, keeping areas tidy, escorting the audience to and from certain places such as the canteen, but my main job of the 2 days was being the logger in the gallery. This job involved me writing down the start time and finish time of each take through out the day. It took me a few attempts to get used to being as quick as i need to be at it but eventually I got used to it and really began to enjoy it.
The overall experience was extremely enjoyable and I have taken so much from it. I hope to do more with ITV and JML in the future!
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