In todays lecture we learnt about improv and how it is used by actors. One of the tasks set for us was to bring in a description of one of the characters in the drama series we have chosen and we were then given a scenario and had to act it out in the way we think i chosen character would. Here is my character description:Television programme: Desperate Housewives
Character: Gabriella Solis (played by Eva Longoria)
Description: Confident, strong minded, 40 something woman who knows what she wants and how she is going to get it. She knows how to handle herself. Physically small but mentally feels she can take on anyone. Only lets certain people in to see her emotions and more often then not regrets doing so.
Past experiences with women have made her grow strong but also stays weary of the same sex and only lets certain women close to her once they have proved they can be trusted. Gabriella would handle confrontation by going in full force, and not giving other people in that situation a chance to give their own opinion, unless that person knows her weak point, which not many do. She is only interested in her own opinion, and no one elses. A man eater on the surface but deep down all she wants is to settle down and find the right guy to do this with.
Has a good sense of humour but can get a bit too personal for some peoples tastes, even though she doesn't mean too. She sometimes hides behind her sense of humour and cracks jokes in situations which she finds uncomfortable, difficult and awkward.
Very spoilt as a child by her parents and has grown up thinking that she should always get what she wants when she wants it, no matter what it is, this also means that she is a very materialistic person, who is more interested in what a person has to offer her with their money rather then the person themselves. Decides who to be friends with by figuring out who can do what for her.
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